Saving to Beat Inflation: Flexible Money Management 101

I’ve always believed that there are 3 categories of youngins when it comes to saving money. There are the calculated ones who earn enough to save comfortably, the inconsistent group who only does it because they have to, and then there are people like me, trying to find our way out of a toxic relationship with SAPA, which leaves us with zero savings every month. But now, I’m ready to fix up and secure my future.

This sudden need to change was inspired by a conversation I had with a childhood friend I reconnected with recently. She followed me and slid into my DMs on Instagram to catch up. We started talking about how we used to crush on each other (You know those silly childhood crush that never lead anywhere? Yes, that), have ambitious dreams, and the reality of being a young adult in Nigeria especially with inflation exploding into our faces each passing day. After gisting for quite a while, she asked if I have a healthy savings habit that helps me navigate the current harsh economy. My answer to her was “My life is the only thing I’ve been saving, that’s enough”. She laughed and called me foolish, and went ahead to introduce me to the 50-30-20 rule for budgeting and saving.

It’s putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. Even after breaking it down, I still wasn’t convinced because I strongly thought that what I need in this life is plenty money so I can have enough funds to save. Days after we spoke, I reflected on our conversations and decided to try the things she had recommended. I wrote down my financial goals for the year and went back to this babe to teach me what to do. She suggested I needed something to keep me accountable, especially with her knowledge of my spending habits. I thought she was talking about speaking to a finance expert or something until she sent me a link to download the gomoney app.

Apparently, she’s been banking with gomoney for about 2 years now and she could bet she’s not used a bank app with as much personalization like the gomoney bank app, offering tools that help her track expenses effectively, split bills with friends during outings,  categorize her savings and a host of other really fancy stuff.

According to her, gomoney is a finance buddy who wants to help you live an intentional life money-wise. I did contemplate trying out the bank because it can be an extreme sport jumping on new things but with some push from her, I eventually started using the app and so far, I’m finding it pretty handy.

It’s been about two months of using the gomoney app, and I feel good about how I’ve been able to cut out unnecessary expenses. Now, I can comfortably say I have a substantial amount of money saved up.

So if you belong to the category I used to be in, with inflation stressing you out and limiting your saving abilities, I highly recommend using gomoney. You too can download the app on the App Store and Play Store and start handling your money better while you enjoy the present, and plan flexibly for the future.


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