Santabella Records distances self from ex-manager, Trinity

As the dust from the rift between Santabella Music Empire and its manager Simon Trinity refuses to settle, the record label has officially distanced itself from Trinity, warning individuals to not be tricked into doing business with him as a representative of the label.


In a statement sent to Weekend Beats, the record label said that it dissociates itself from Trinity, citing allegations of gross misconduct and unprofessionalism.

According to the statement, Trinity, who was appointed on January 25, 2022, was said to have displayed a lack of indiscipline and inability to live up to the expectations of his role during his time with the company.

It further warned, “members of the public not to transact any business dealings with him in his previous capacity as executive manager of the record label, as Trinity has refused to return the company’s ID card despite several prompting for him to do so.”


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