Sallah: FRSC deploys 700 marshals in Plateau

FRSC gears up for Yuletide season. Photo:DailyTrust

Ahead of the Eid-el-Fitr celebrations, the Plateau Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), has deployed 700 Regular and Special marshals in the state.

Mr Peter Longsan, the Public Education Officer of the command, disclosed this in a statement on Tuesday in Jos.

He said that the deployment aimed at ensuring the smooth running of its one-week special sallah patrol in the state.

Longsan added that the deployment would also enure free flow of traffic and vehicular movements during the celebrations.

He, however, called on motorists in the stste to obey all traffic rules and regulations during the festivities, and avoid speeding, overloading, night driving and other traffic offenses.


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