Rutam House legends speak on The Guardian at 40

Rutam House, Guardian Newspaper

As The Guardian Newspaper turned 40 on July 4, I congratulate the management and staff of GNL for keeping the dream of its founder, Alex Ibru, alive.
The readers wish the organisation many more years of successful publishing and marketing of its various publications. The Flagship will remain blessed as long as it steers the course of truth and justice, which it has maintained from its first year till now. To the managers and staff, this is an old hand saying congrats and more energy to your elbows in the years ahead. You are all heartily celebrated and may God almighty continue to support your efforts.
Tunde Thompson

F0RTY years is not a joke!! Congratulations to the very big The Guardian family. It has been ‘promises kept’ as the flagship continues to grow in huge numbers. I am proud of being part of this history-making institution where we pride ourselves as The Flagship journalists and have been enjoying the flex. May the Almighty God continue to direct the Board, Management and Staff right, as new horizons continue to grace the media industry across the globe. From ‘sooner or later… it is now every second…’ Cheers.
Nik Ogbulie

I join other Nigerians in congratulating the Publisher, Members of Management and the entire staff of the Guardian Newspapers Limited on the celebration of the Newspaper’s 40th Anniversary. I count myself lucky to have been a part of this historic journey, and I wish all of us many more years of monumental achievements and continued commitment to excellence.

In the 1980s, being both a Professor at the premier University of Ibadan and a Member of the Editorial Board of the flagship Guardian were enough to “get anyone swollen headed”. Well, before me, there was a Femi Osofisan who had the two but, somehow, rather exceptionally, was able to remain “level headed”! And, I took a cue from Femi’s modesty when I was given the privilege of wearing the tags of the two revered Institutions.

It was sometime in August 1986 that my late friend, Andy Akporugo, then Managing Director of the African Guardian Magazine and Member of the Guardian Editorial Board, introduced me to the Publisher of The Guardian stable, the late Alex Uruemu Ibru, in his office at Isolo. On that first meeting, I was too mesmerised to say much: Andy did much of the talking, and all I did was to pledge my commitment to discharge the responsibilities of the position of Member of the Editorial Board – to the best of my abilities.

After a few other meetings and interactions with Alex Ibru, it did not take long for me to know him to be a thorough gentleman, refined, decent and convivial in his altitudes and dealings with other human beings. Alex was a simple and rather shy person, with an amiable persona that corresponds with his handsome frame. But his appearance can be deceptive: go into any business negotiation or dealing with Alex and you easily find in that apparent fragility an austere, tough and principled personality. He rarely spoke whenever he attended Editorial Board meetings – as, indeed, he did, only occasionally. I cannot recall Alex ever using his veto power as the Publisher to influence editorial decisions. Above all, he was known for his humility and passion and feelings, always for fellow human beings. Such was the man: and he commanded the loyalty and support of all – the low and the high. It was, indeed, the Publisher’s virtuous character that strengthened The Guardian, from inception of till the passing of the legend.
Emeritus Professor Godwin Sogolo


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