Rivers community seeks termination of contracts over alleged killings

Members and stakeholders of Mgbuoshimini Community, Rumueme Kingdom have written to the General Manager District, Nigeria Agip Oil Company Limited, to immediately terminate surveillance and cluster contracts as well as payment of some contractors following a crisis in the community.

The community located in Obio/Akpor Local Council of Rivers State hosts the operational headquarters of Agip oil.

The trio on behalf of the community, in the letter requested Agip management to end every deal with one of their sons, whom they alleged was a mastermind of 2017 killings in the community.

The petition signed by Chairman, Mgbuoshimini Community Stakeholders Forum, Ohazurume Chukwu, President, Mgbuoshimini Youth Movement, Osonwene Frank Nyeche and General Secretary, Mgbuoshimini Youth Movement, Marvin Echem, was dated April 28, 2023 and entitled: “Demand for termination of surveillance, cluster contracts and termination of further payment to ‘a wanted’ person”.”

In the petition, they noted that Mgbuoshimini people had resolved to manage the affairs and entitlements of their community without allowing any group and their sponsors to derail their course in developing the community.

Part of the statement reads: “We the people and stakeholders of Mgbuoshimini Community Rumueme Kingdom write to demand the immediate termination of a running surveillance, security, cluster contracts and other related contracts awarded to a certain wanted criminal by your organisation, Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC) over Mgbuoshimini comprised of Mgbu-Oro-Akwor and Mgbu-Orazi, Rumueme and others.

“The said contracts, including the cluster jobs under any guise or through any company, including Therdy Dedenz International Limited used by him and or by his Agents through a known proxy Jacobsen O.N Nig Ltd must be terminated forthwith.”

“We demand that no further payments should be made to him or through his privies or co-conspirators and partners for the safety and security of Mgbuoshimini Community Rumueme and Rivers State at large.”

They confirmed that on Saturday, April 22, 2023, Rivers State Police Command raided a camp in Mgbuoshimini Community situated right behind the new ultramodern abattoir being constructed by the Rivers State government, suspected to belong to the suspect, noting that following the development, the community established and inaugurated a vigilante group to help quell the highly terrorised community as a community effort.

“As a community, we will have no choice than to take necessary lawful steps against NAOC because we have resolved to defend our community against criminal elements without negotiations lawfully.”


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