Revitalise your home office

Considering the fact that COVID-19 pandemic is still ravaging with more intensity, as part of the keeping safe measures, you may have to reconsider making the best of your home office if you already have one.
However, if you haven’t created that space in your home, now is the time to do so, especially if your work is such that it can be done from anywhere without necessarily getting to the conventional office space which involves getting in contact with more people. Your home as you know is your safest place in the world, and to keep safe, you have to minimise physical contacts with people as much as possible.
Having a home office and working from your home zone can keep you as productive and professional as working from the conventional organisation office; so long as you master the art of separating your work life from your home life.

How To Separate Your Work Life From Home Life
• Set Work-Life Boundaries – Setting boundaries is the key to leading a productive and successful work at home life. This would help you specify the amount of time you put into work tasks and personal tasks. As you know, some days differ from other days.

• Create A Daily To-Do List – This is the part where you put your set boundaries on paper; writing down your to-do list would help you successfully achieve each one after the other. So, create a schedule that works for you and ensure you stick to it. Studies have shown that people who take the time to write down their goals are more likely to achieve those goals.

• Self-discipline – It is very natural for you to feel a little more at home and comfortable, because of course you’re at home, and at your most comfortable zone, hence the need for self-discipline. Self-discipline enables you to choose an opportunity cost, and then persevere with actions, your thoughts and behaviour, which in turn leads to improvement and success. It also gives you the power and inner strength to overcome addictions, procrastination and laziness.

• Schedule Time For Your Personal Life And Work Life – The popular saying that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,’ comes in handy. You need to create time in your schedule for personal activities that will add value to your life and give you the opportunity to recharge. Having in mind that it is possible for you to be consumed with work all day since you’re not under any form of official restriction or organisation close time. So, ensure to take a good break with daily exercise, hangout time with friends and family.

Tips To Setting Up A Home Office
• Location is key – Ensure to go for the most quiet room, corner or section of your home depending on the space available to you.
• Make the space comfy and cozy – The key to absolute productivity is comfort. So, make your home office space as comfy and cozy as possible.
• Get a comfortable desk and chair.
• Arrange your book and files orderly in a shelve
• If your home office space is not where you can have natural light and view, go for natural lightings. You can also create a natural view with natural design graphic wallpapers.


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