Reps mull establishment of Agricultural Institute in Delta state

Speaker of Nigeria’s House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas.

The House of Representatives has made a significant inroads towards the establishment of an Agricultural and Energy Technical Institute in Aboh, Delta state.

A Bill aimed at achieving the objective on Wednesday scaled the second reading stage on the floor of the House presided by Speaker Tajudeen Abass.

The proposed legislation is titled: ” A Bill for an Act to Amend the Agricultural research council of Nigeria Act, Cap A12 laws of the dederatiom of Nigeria, 2004 to make provision for the establishment of Agricultural and Energy Technical Institute, Abuh, Delta state ajf for related matters.

Leading the debate on the general principles of the Bill, Ezechi said it holds immense potential for the agricultural and energy sectors of our nation.

He said the importance of agriculture cannot be overstated in the quest for sustainable development and economic prosperity.

He said it is the backbone of our nation, providing food security, employment opportunities, and a significant contribution to our GDP.

His words, “However, to fully harness the potential of our agricultural sector, there is an urgent need for innovative approaches, modern techniques, and specialized training.
The establishment of the Agricultural and Energy Technical Institute in Aboh, Delta State, represents a crucial step in this direction.

“By integrating agricultural and energy studies, this institute will not only equip our youth with the necessary skills and knowledge but also bridge the gap between traditional farming methods and modern technologies.

“Aboh, situated in Delta State, boasts of fertile lands and abundant natural resources, making it an ideal location for such an institute. By harnessing the synergy between agriculture and energy, we can unlock new opportunities for sustainable development, rural electrification, and renewable energy solutions.

*Furthermore, this bill aligns with the government’s agenda to diversify the economy and promote self-sufficiency in food production. Through research, training, and extension services, the Agricultural and Energy Technical Institute will empower farmers, agripreneurs, and rural communities to adopt best practices, increase productivity, and enhance their livelihoods.

“Mr. Speaker, In addition to its economic benefits, the institute will also serve as a catalyst for innovation, technology transfer, and collaboration between academia, industry, and government agencies. By fostering a conducive environment for research and development, we can unlock the untapped potential of our agricultural and energy sectors, driving sustainable growth and prosperity for generations to come.

“In conclusion, I urge my esteemed colleagues to support this bill for the second reading. Together, let us seize this opportunity to invest in the future of agriculture and energy in Nigeria, and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous tomorrow.”


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