Report knocks FG, govs, senators, others over murder, rights abuses of journalists

Journalists being attacked by the police

The President Muhammadu Buhari administration, state governors, National Assembly members, politicians, security agencies, among others, have been indicted by a report cataloguing atrocities, murder, torture and rights abuses of journalists practising in Nigeria

The report entitled: ‘The State of Media Freedom in Nigeria’, launched by the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Media Foundation for West Africa, at a press conference in Abuja, focused primarily on the last six years of President Buhari.

The report took note of all journalists killed and those whose deaths have been shrouded in mystery. It also listed journalists harassed by state actors and beaten up in their line of duty. Media houses harassed by security operatives were also included in the report.

National President of NUJ, Chris Isiguzo, while speaking during the presentation, decried the repeated harassment of journalists, saying practising in Nigeria has become a dangerous venture.

For the period being reviewed (2016- 2020), the report said it recorded some of the highest levels of violence targeting journalists in the country. These statistics constitute an indictment of the poor record on democracy and rule of law in Nigeria. The lack of transparency, corruption and politics of exclusion often result in frustrations and violent rivalries, creating dangerous environments in which journalists become easy targets for powerful forces intent on suppressing dissent and evading public accountability.

Part of the report reads: “Politicians have realised that to acquire power, either through legitimate means or through outright manipulations, they need to obtain the connivance of the media. And politicians and political office holders also know that to retain power, they require the support of the media, ditto those who wish to ascend to power.

“Even those whose positions are threatened suddenly realise the need to pocket the media. These elements have compounded the problems of the media. The media in Nigeria have suffered a number of setbacks over the years, with the obvious but unsuccessful attempts by government to control them. There are equally increased harassment and killings of journalists in the country.

“These acts are daily causing frustrations among media professionals in the country. Politicians, both in and out of government, are increasingly filing legal cases against journalists who especially report on allegations of corruption, while security operatives have been used to block access for reporters in several areas.”


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