Receive Double Blessing For Your Trouble

Obembe-CopyIsaiah 61:7 “For your shame YOU SHALL HAVE DOUBLE; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall POSSESS THE DOUBLE: everlasting joy shall be unto them.”

WE are sent on the authority of the Word of God to declare to you today that God will give you double in the place of any trouble that you have encountered. No matter what you have gone through or going through in life, God’s Divine Factor changes the story completely. If you belong to God and are born of God, you will always overcome whatever the enemy throws at you. The Word of God says that whoever is born of God overcomes. 1 John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our Faith”. Life and Crisis seem to be synonymous. Jesus said, in this world we would have tribulation but we should rejoice because everything happening is still subject to God’s control and Jesus has overcome the world for us. John 16:33. Life is full of unexplainable paradoxes and absurdity. There are those who have head without cap and there are those who have cap without head. God is the ONE who balances the equation, who gives us head and crowns our head with loving kindness and tender mercies. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Biblical history is replete with many individuals who had challenges, troubles, affliction, and persecution in the ladder of life, but eventually they overcame and today, their stories continue to inspire faith in GOD. People like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, etc.

Psalm 34:17,19 “The righteous cry and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles; MANY ARE THE AFFLICTIONS OF THE RIGHTEOUS BUT THE LORD DELIVERS HIM OUT OF THEM ALL”. Look at Joseph, for instance, despite his prophetic destiny for greatness, he suffered many setbacks but God gave him a glorious COMEBACK. The man who dreamt to be great and taller than everyone was reduced to below ground zero, persecuted, thrown into the pit, sold into slavery, found himself in Portiphar’s house, assaulted and lied against, thrown into the prison, but GOD WAS WITH HIM. Just in one day of God’s visitation, Joseph received 12 miracles. He was set free from the dungeon of prison, had change of raiment, wore golden ring and chain, change of accommodation, change of status, change of location, enjoyed prerogative of mercy over prison sentence, lifted into prominence, was given unassailable authority over the super power Nation of Egypt, got a brand new wife – a virgin, with special chariots, lived in statutorily furnished apartment with a retinue of servants. We prophesy to you today that your latter end shall be greater than your beginning. In the Name of the LORD, you will have a POWERFUL COMEBACK FROM every setback. The best story of your life will NOW be read and circulated. Get ready, you will have many DOUBLE BREAKTHROUGH for all the trouble you have been through.

Prayer: Father God, I thank You for the promise of Your Holy Word. You said I should call You in the day of trouble. Father I am calling You now for Your intervention in my life (Psalm 50:15). LORD, help me and deliver me from all my challenges and trouble. Thank You LORD.

