PWDs want appointments in Soludo’s govt

Anambra State chapter of the Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD) has appealed to Governor-elect, Prof. Charles Soludo, to give them appointments and accord them voice in the governance of the state.

Chairman of JONAPWD in the state, Ugochukwu Okeke, made the appeal, at the weekend, when members of the Justice Development and Peace Caritas (JDPC) and the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) visited him in Awka.

Okeke said including their members in his cabinet would give them a voice in government and a privilege to contribute their quota to the development of the state.

He also urged political parties to prioritise inclusion of PWDs in governance to help them contest during elections and participate fully in political process.

He recalled that Governor Willie Obiano gave them opportunity by employing about 250 members into the state civil service, even as he established the disability commission, saying that it was a highly appreciated move.

Speaking Manager of JDPC Onitsha and FCDO Project, Alphonsus Nwoye, explained that such engagement would deepen inclusive and good governance for sustainable development in Anambra.

Nwoye canvassed partnership to intensify voter and civic education to encourage PWDs to participate in politics ahead of the 2023 general elections, adding that the visit was to generate development issues to engaging the incoming administration.


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