Provoked Out Of Barrenness

Bishop Olanrewaju Obembe
Bishop Olanrewaju Obembe

1Samuel 1: 6-7 “And HER ADVERSARY ALSO PROVOKED HER SORE, for to make HER FRET, because the LORD, had shut up her womb. And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, so she PROVOKED her, therefore SHE WEPT and did not eat”.

ONE of the challenges of living here on earth is facing THE ACTIVITIES OF MOCKERS and those who position themselves to deride and make us fret. Once you carry God’s Prophetic mandate, you will face those whose ministry is to mock, deride and provoke you. Mockers are always excited about un-answered prayers in our lives.

They always come with a verdict that there is no way we would get out of our ugly situation and as such, they are all about town carrying negative stories about us. Psalm 3:2 “MANY THERE BE WHICH SAY of my soul, THERE IS NO HELP FOR HIM IN GOD”. It is necessary to note some characters in the Bible who persecuted men and women who were destined to be great.

You have Peninnah in the life of HANNAH (1Samuel 1:6); Eliab in the life of DAVID (1Samuel 17:28); JOSEPH and his blood brothers; JOB, his friends and wife; the Pharisees in the life of JESUS. Mockers always forget the divine factor of God in our lives, that no matter what happens, GOD STILL HAS THE FINAL SAY.

It was very excruciating for Hannah when Peninnah constantly and continuously mocked her because of barrenness. Mockers will stop at nothing to constantly celebrate the negative challenges of our lives. Peninnah’s persecution of Hannah made Hannah to TURN TO GOD to the extent that Hannah wept and cried profusely and refused to quit God’s Presence at Shiloh.

And God always hears the prayer of the afflicted. (2Samuel 22:28) “AND THE AFFLICTED PEOPLE THOU WILT SAVE”. From the life of Hannah, there are THREE IMPORTANT ACTIONS we must take to silence the mocking of men and women in our lives.

1. Like Hannah, we must TURN TO THE LORD and abandon ourselves to Him with our challenges. 2. We must TRUST HIM to arise on our behalf. Psalm 68:1 “LET GOD ARISE, let His enemies be scattered, let them also that hate Him flee before Him”. 3. We must TAKE A VOW TO DEDICATE OUR MIRACLE TO HIM when we are delivered. 1Samuel 1:11 “AND SHE VOWED A VOW and said, O LORD of Hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of Thine handmaid, but wilt give unto Thine handmaid, a man child, then I WILL GIVE HIM UNTO THE LORD all the days of his life”.

God answered Hannah and she gave birth to Samuel who became A GREAT PROPHET IN ISRAEL. And when Samuel was dedicated to the LORD, God gave Hannah additional Five more children. THANK GOD FOR MOCKERS because they always drive us to God in our situations and circumstances.

The Names of Peninnah’s children did not make God’s historical books but Prophet Samuel was a formidable character in Scripture. Out of your present predicament of physical or financial barrenness, you will give birth to generational inspiration and exploits. PRAYER: Psalm 4:6 “There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? LORD, lift Thou up the Light of Thy countenance upon us”.

LORD, I turn to You with the issues of my life. Father, Arise and prove the enemies wrong in my life. SHOW UP and let the enemy be put to shame in JESUS MIGHTY NAME.

