Prophet Samuel rolls out prophecies on COVID 19, Kaduna killings, new terrorist group, others

The General Overseer of Shiloh Word Chapel Apo-Abuja, Prophet Ikechukwu Okafor Samuel has released 40 prophecies for the year 2021. In his prophecies, he predicted happenings within the Nigeria government, some African countries and the world in general.

Speaking during the crossover service in his church, the word loaded prophet and preacher predicted on the controversies surrounding COVID 19 vaccines, Kaduna state killings, Edo politics, Nigeria leadership this year 2021 and many other key prophecies.

Prophet Samuel also foresaw a new sect of terrorist group regrouping to trouble many nations of the world, Nigeria inclusive this year 2021. He also predicted that the northern leaders will have a major political disagreement and a new party will be formed.

In a full text of predictions, Prophet Samuel said, “Pray for protection in Nigeria on gas plant explosion in lagos on taker drivers taking lives it is NOT normal, this is occultic. American leaders are going to fight a fight of betrayal for 12years, its starting this year 2021, it will affect the electoral system and their national security. There is a terrorism group, re-grouping to trouble the world, pray for turkey, U.K,America and Nigeria about this. Pray against the occurrence of complications of vaccines; I saw 2 to 3 contradicting processes. Let the world pray against this.

“Five years from now, there will be good news on LNG, in Nigeria with uncommon attention shifting to exports of minerals like diamonds, gold and agricultural produces, that will improve food supply in many parts of the world. A political secret will be exposed in Nigeria and it will divide the parties, ethnic group and political leaders to take painful decision so as to keep the nation going, this prophecy will extend to 2023. Pray against unrest and violence in the early months of the year 2021, in the united states.

“Nigeria leaders to look at the borders and water ways I see dangerous arms being smuggled into and deadly fake drugs that will damage lives. Remember one of the most populated ministry in Nigeria, the family, the lives and health, ask God to remove dark clouds that will be caused by health care. Foreign nations are speaking about Nigeria on election, peace, security and corruption, this message partially in 2020 and extends more to 2023. Edo state governor, pray for grace to stand strong, I saw battles upon battles, spirit and physical, only jesus can save, if not your leadership will be affected negatively.

“Pray for kaduna , I saw them mourning as a sate, death; owl bird crying over the state, pray against this. Remember Nigerian footballers that play international, let good news swallow bad news about them in 2021. Let the world pray against airborne disease from Asia again, very deadly let it fade away with COVID 19 in Jesus name. This year, God will allow the faith of men to be tried with natural and global laws for travelling procedures and bank transaction, this shall deviate many from faith this year upwards.”

Continuing the G. O said, “I see the world leaders giving mn medical numbers and codes that will not tally with their faith and natural will, pray for wisdom and victory. I see countries merging to use a common passport, travelling document and currency. CAN should pray against pressures to accept laws against Christian faith and activities both nationally and globally. A protest similar to ENDSARS kind of protest will arise from lower to higher level of revolution in Nigeria and many nations.

“Many political women will rise to have a voice in the leadership of the nations beginning from 2021, globally take note. I see a wild fire, with volcanic eruption in desert places in America, pray for LA, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS and Dallas. Just like 2020, things will happen that will make will make men say the world is ending and many people and many peoples faith shall be cold but we pray your faith in jesus will not fail. Many stars in the world we celebrate may be missing, pray against it in Nigeria, USA etc.

“I saw a sign in the sky that will make the scientist to panic, but it’s a message to the earth from God. Many other faith and religious people shall see Jesus and confess him by this encounter. This year, Nigeria will have more unstable leadership, saints, this calls for fervent prayers. Northern leaders will meet for national peace, but some will disagree and form another party.

“I see a health challenge on the globe that will require only faith in God and prayers to be cured. Past events that may have been forgotten shall come up to destabilize the peace we have been crying for in Nigeria. Nation Iran, I see a movement of missiles in and out, pray for Israel, japan and America and china on this. There is an European nation I see crying for public tragedy.

“I saw a sect in Yemen, that has moved from the base scattered all over the world to terrorise, pray for peace in the nations of the world. Pray against vessels and yacht cruise accident to be stopped in Canada, Florida and all over America. I see a country swallow another country, for another country to rise. Also a nation coming out, separating from the main nation, not allowed to name the nation now, you will know at the right time.”


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