Prophet Samuel frowns at Chris Okotie over comments on TB Joshua’ death

…says he Lacks Wisdom
The media space has been awashed with reports on the death of the founder of Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet TB Joshua, however, pastor of the Household of God Church International Ministries, Chris Okotie took to his Facebook to share the post which has raised eyebrows on social media. He referred to TB Joshua as, “the Wizard who assumed the title of Emmanuel had been consumed by divine indignation”.

In response to Okotie’s post, Prophet Samuel, The General Overseer of Shiloh Word Chapel, Abuja; has poured out his anger at what he considers an unbecoming and malicious post, by Okotie.

In his words, “His Exit will expose so many men of God that preach for Pockets and Luxury; the hungry will attack them, the poor will resist them; the oppressed will come after them, the followers will discover, and recover from fraudulent transactions with brainwashed sermons of give and be given year to year.

“They are agents of demon, they have made themselves tax collectors from their followers; instead of soul collectors by salvation as pastors of branches; the love of money is all they are concerned about.

“As for Reverend Chris Okotie, he lacks wisdom he does not have a credible father, if he has he will know the value of Prophet TB Joshua in the entire world of Christians; his light changed people, Jesus said let your light shine that people shall see and glorify your Father in heaven.

“Brother Chris Okotie, you need to allow the light of Christ shines through you towards mankind today, I am disappointed, you sound empty, you need to give your life to Jesus Christ then value heaven more than material things. TB Joshua was not materialistic! He was never given to luxury and vain lifestyle like you in his lifetime; pray as holy spirit comes into you; all your ambition will change from presidency to prayer revivals then your words will not sound as a heathen and dirty ( Prov 6:2; Prov 18:21; James 1:5 ) time will tell, evidence will show.”

Continuing Prophet Samuel said, “I can’t be surprised; mark 6:4 Jesus said a prophet is not honoured in his own town; but God is not mocked, whatever a man sows that he shall reap and the wicked will not go unpunished Miriam and Aron were anointed but speaking against God’s servant gave them shame.

“Be warned, God is a consuming fire the anointing that’s saves can destroy. If a man could know when God is about to take him, he is sure of his place of reward; Snr Prophet TB Joshua Went Home Like Saints Read Your Bible; about the Prophets from Moses to apostles many died even a death some men of God died on plane crash did you call them dragon?

“Papa Benson Idahosa went to be the Lord after preaching benefits of death, is he now a dragon? Heaven and earth which one is Better? Early Apostles Where Killed By Sword And Hanging, All To The Glory Of God; STOP THIS HATRED, We need love in the body of Christ stop spreading hatred!.

“Rev Chris you abused TB Joshua many years ago, till now he has proved you wrong and went to heaven yet your result is new wives and lies that God sent you to be president as fresh by flesh; am highly disappointed in you, look at Pastor Chris you abused he is a world changer today shame on you accuser of the brethren of our time.

“My own grace is not the same as of my father; mine is double and dangerous some will speak about me and don’t go free because you can lie with James and john but not with apostle peter be warned,” said the Abuja based clergy.


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