Power outage disrupts Senate’s plenary 

President of the Senate, Senator Godswill Akpabio, presided over the Senate plenary on Tuesday,February 20, 2024. Photo: Twitter

Power outage has been blamed for delayed plenary at the Senate for half an hour, yesterday.The outage, which was caused by a faulty generator powering the Senate wing of the National Assembly, prevented the commencement of the plenary for a while,
The Red Chamber experienced partial blackout as the lawmakers awaited the restoration of electricity. After power was restored, the President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio, commenced plenary with an apology for the outage and the heat in the chamber, disclosing that about nine offices still experienced outage as work was ongoing to rectify the situation.
Akpabio said: “They are still working on the light, It went off since morning,  it is even affecting some of the offices on the fourth floor, we have about nine offices that they have not been able to rectify but they are working on them. 
“They have assured us that before 1 o’clock, the light will be okay. However, I have noticed even the press (journalists); some of them are fanning themselves, at least they feel the heat also.” 

 “If it gets too hot, then we may have to adjourn for a while to allow them to conclude but they are working on it. I apologise for any inconvenience.”



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