Police seal Plateau state house of assembly complex

Plateau Assembly

The Plateau State Police Command has shut down the Plateau State House of Assembly Complex so as to prevent the breakdown of law and order following the reinstatement of former speaker Ayuba Abok by the state high court.

On Wednesday morning, officers of the state police command were at the assembly entrance preventing anyone including staff from entering the complex following threats from the warring factions to take over the assembly complex.

Plateau State Commissioner of Police, Bartholomew Onyeka, met with the factions to find a solution to the crisis and is yet to make any statement on the issue.

Justice Nafisat Musa in the judgment, granted all the reliefs of the claimants ruling that the impeachment of Abok as a speaker is unconstitutional and against the house rules.

Following Abok’s reinstatement, he made an appearance at the assembly complex and presided over a plenary session with eight members in attendance.

But the state government appealed the high court judgment and obtained a stay of execution on the reinstatement order.

However, Abok insisted on continuing as the presiding officer which did not go down well with the substantive speaker and some members of the house as well as the state government.

This led to the police command to get involve by sealing off the assembly and barring the two factions from entering the complex to forestall any breakdown of law and order.


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