Police parade man who shot sister’s boyfriend in Ogun

Operatives of Ogun State Police Command have paraded a 30-year-old man, Michael Ogundele for shooting one Tobi Olabisi over, love affair with his younger sister. One Alfa Akeem, a community leader in Ihunbo town, reported the suspect at the Idiroko Police Divisional Headquarters. Akeem reported the matter to the station with the victim.

He said that the suspect had warned the victim to stop having an affair with his younger sister and fired gunshot at him, but the victim narrowly escaped death. Upon the report, the DPO Idiroko division, CSP Ayo Akinsowon quickly mobilised detectives to go after the suspect and he was arrested. During interrogation, the suspect claimed to have warned the victim to desist from having an affair with his younger sister but refused.

According to report, when the suspect got information that the victim was in his sister’s room, he went there with a dane gun. As he got to the house, the victim reportedly jumped through the window to escape but was shot.

The victim was quickly rushed to General Hospital, Idiroko, where, he was responding to treatment.

MEANWHILE, the State Commissioner of Police, Lanre Bankole, has ordered immediate transfer of the suspect to Homicide section of the state Criminal Investigation Department for further investigation and prosecution


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