Police insist on prosecution of self-acclaimed Igwe-elect

The Police in Anambra State have insisted that they would investigate and prosecute a self-acclaimed monarch of Isiagu in Awka South Local Council Area of Anambra State, Chief Ben Ifeatu, who allegedly forged documents to that effect.

The police prosecutor, J.O Obochi told Chief Magistrate, Mike Anyadiegwu, that the Police Act empowers the police to investigate and prosecute such offenders who engaged in unlawful acts of forgery and impersonation.

The charge marked MAW/99C/2021 is titled Commissioner of Police v. Chief Benedict Ifeatu, male, 76 years and Evangelist Eleazar Ekemezie, male, 72 years, and was issued and signed by the O/C Legal of the State Police Command, A.A. Nwano.

In the first count, the police prosecutor accused the first defendant (Ifeatu) of Enuko village, Isiagu community of alleged forgery of a letter-head paper of Awka South Local Government Council dated October 30, 2012, titled: “Submission of Letter of Presentation of Igwe-elect” purportedly signed by one Hon E. E. Okoye, without lawful authority and excuse.

In another suit, Ifeatu v. Louis Okeke and two others, the 1st defendant claimed to have been elected and returned as Igwe-elect of Isiagu sometimes in the year 2020.

But prosecutor, CSP A.A. Nwano accused him of forging documents and impersonation, “knowing it to be false and with intent that it may be acted upon as genuine to the prejudice of HRM Igwe Augustine Nwankwo, who actually won the election and was duly returned elected, thereby committing an offence punishable under Section 449(a) of the Criminal Code Cap 36, Vol II Revised Laws of Anambra State of Nigeria, 1991.

After hearing the submissions of the prosecutor, counsel to the first defendant represented by Cyril Eziamaka and second defendant’s counsel, Kingsley Obiekwe, the trial Magistrate adjourned the case to March 10, for ruling.


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