Police arrest 85 suspects for sexual assault, secure 27 convictions in Borno

Operatives of the Borno State Police Command have arrested 85 suspects for sexual assault and other criminal activities in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC), Jere, and Biu Local Councils of the state.

The criminal activities comprising conspiracy, homicide and robbery were allegedly perpetrated between October 1 and December 31, 2023. Parading some suspects in Maiduguri, spokesperson for the command, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Hahum Daso, said the arrests were made by the Joint Anti-Vice Unit of the police.

Besides the arrests, he said the police also recovered exhibits such as Indian hemp, a sword, two pots used for inhaling shisha, and five snatched mobile phones.

According to him, 27 suspects out of the 49 recorded have been convicted, while 14 cases are being investigated, with 31 others charged to court. While highlighting some of the criminal activities, he said: “Fatima Abatcha and her accomplice, Mohammed Isa, are to be arraigned in court for theft of mobile phones.”

He explained that the syndicate operates by posing as house helps to steal mobile phones of residents in Maiduguri metropolis and Jere councils. He said stolen items, including electric generators and air conditioners from various burgled houses were recovered. Daso also highlighted the activities of one Shaibu Saleh, who was arrested for illegal possession of a locally made pistol.

He said: “Saleh confessed to acquiring the weapon from one Abubakar of Kalimbo village, Yobe State, during Christmas and New Year festivities.

“We also arrested eight suspected Malian gang members during a raid of their hideouts in Mairi, Fori, Tashan Bama and Gwange communities of MMC and Jere council.” He noted that the cases are currently under investigation, and the suspects will be prosecuted.


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