Pine Empress launches visionary employee programme

Adesewa Greg-Ighodaro
CEO of Pine Empress Limited Adesewa Greg-Ighodaro
Pine Empress Limited has launched The Visionary Employee Programme, a coaching mastermind and training solution for employees, career professionals, government parastatals, MSMEs and SMEs, customer service executives, and multinational organisations.

Adesewa Greg-Ighodaro, the CEO of Pine Empress Limited said the programme provides a framework for both employers who are willing to invest in their workforce.

“Their employees are literally the life-wire of their businesses, and employees who are ready to take personal responsibility for their growth and development so as to be progressive and relevant in the workspace,” Adesewa said.

“As the world is advancing, employees who are the human capital of any business must also upskill in order for them to remain relevant and efficient at work or else, they will become redundant.

“The visionary employee is one who takes the bull by the horn and invests resources into becoming the employee every employer wants on their team.”

She noted that the era of employers neglecting to train their employees efficiently has fizzled out. Adesewa said an employer who wants to launch big ideas and grow the vision of the business exponentially must invest in ensuring their employees are coached to become exemplar, forward-thinking visionaries that can actually run with their vision and produce sterling results.

“The Visionary Employee Program is a panacea for the cancer of having a workforce where productivity is on the decline, positive energy, and can-do attitude is lacking and capacity for optimal delivery is absent. If personal and corporate productivity, as well as profitability, is your goal either as an individual or an organization, then The Visionary Employee Program is your one-stop solution,” Adesewa said.

“We have started with this program and we will not stop. We will continue to sing and herald the message of the importance of becoming a visionary employee, or training members of the corporate workforce to become visionary employees till every individual employee becomes an employee that will not just show up at work because they need to, but will show up at work with strength, focus, the right attitude and more importantly, as a visionary that can be trusted to bring great ideas to life and be a person satisfied with their work-life.”
