Pictures from lying-in-state for TB Joshua

The remains of the founder of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) TB Joshua at the church in Ikotun , Lagos. PHOTO: Jesutomi Akomolafe
The lying-in-state service for the late founder of Synagogue Church of All Nation(SCOAN) Prophet TB Joshua was held on Thursday at the church premises in Ikotun, Lagos. 

The remains, dressed in white, in a glass casket arrived at the church in around 11 am at the Ikotun area of Lagos State.

T.B Joshua’s son-in-law, Bryan, and his daughters Serah, Promise, Hart, and his wife Evelyn were present at the lying-in-state service.

The pastor died on Saturday, June 5, a few days to his 58th birthday. He was born on June 12, 1963.

Below are pictures from the lying in state.



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