PENGASSAN tasks ministers on performance

Emmanuel Ojugbana
Emmanuel Ojugbana

THE Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) has   congratulated all the newly inaugurated ministers on their appointments into the Federal Executive Council (FEC), tasking them to see their appointments as a call to service to the nation.

In a statement issued by PENGASSAN, the National Public Relations Officer, Emmanuel Ojugbana, the union lauded President Muhammadu Buhari for taking his time in the choice of the ministers and assigning them to the right portfolios.
The Association stated that the ministers cannot afford to disappoint Nigerians and the President Buhari that appointed them “because Nigerians have high expectations from them”.

PENGASSAN said: “Most of the new ministers are great achievers in their various past endeavours and governance; they have to bring those achievements and vigours that earn them the confidence of their appointments by Mr. President to bear on their new appointments.
“They have to ensure that the change mantra being preached by this administration is fully implemented in discharging their services to the country. They should also ensure that Nigerians derive the desired democratic dividends and eliminate the injustice of the past.”

