Parents, where are you?

Bishop Charles Ighele

My wife and I have set the standard for our children on what and how a good marriage and family should be like in line with God’s counsel. We have also taught them the standard of choosing a spouse. We told our children never to marry anyone who is not born again, spirit-filled and upholding the same godly virtues that we have built into their lives. And to God’s glory, they have spouses that were also raised in homes that follow God’s acceptable standards of living. 

The family is the number one unit of the society. God counts on the family (father and mother) to train and raise their children in a way that we can have peace and development in our societies and the world at large. 
I have been examining the failure of Eli to raise his children in God’s way and the consequences that have befallen him, his family and his bloodline. Let us take a look at the untold corruption and decadence in our nation today, and the untold hardship and gloom hanging over every aspect of our national existence as a people. How did we come to where we are now in this country? Where are the fathers and mothers of the people we call terrorists, bandits, Boko Harams, ritualists, fraudsters (yahoo yahoo), among others? Their parents actually failed in their parental duties!

I want to challenge you as a parent to open your mouth and teach your children godly virtues and also monitor them. Know what God requires of you in training the children to fear God. Intercede for them daily. You would have a sure house when you do what God wants. What God wants is written in the Holy Bible. Study it. You have to make your children live the Christian life. 

In the extremely fast paced world of today, with so much craving for material acquisition, parents are called to have a rethink and to re-order their priorities, so, as to raise a next generation of people that would make the world a better place to live in and for man to fulfill his destiny and then move on to his eternal destination. There are only two eternal homes —heaven and hell. Where are you and your family heading? Love you!


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