Our fashion designs about appearance, craftsmanship –Osadebe

Adaeze Osadebe

ADAEZE OSADEBE is one of the names synonymous with fashion in the global circles. Adaeze is a lawyer and Creative Director of Adaz Empire, a brand making waves in the United Kingdom, where she is currently based. Since she launched out a few years ago, she has been making statement with her innovative ideas, especially as she displays ingenuity in delivering her services. She spoke with The Guardian on her journey in the fashion industry and the transformative power of social media and digital platforms on global fashion trend.

Can you walk us through your journey as a fashion designer?
I had always been interested in fashion styling, designing and garment construction due to my desire to style myself confidently. This foundational period laid the groundwork for what would later become Adaz Empire. In the initial stages of my career, I dedicated considerable time to honing my skills and understanding the nuances of fashion. I took on diverse projects, experimenting with different styles and techniques to carve out my unique brand identity. This exploratory phase not only enriched my creative repertoire but also allowed me to understand the dynamic needs and preferences of my potential clientele.

As Adaz Empire started taking shape, we focused on creating ready-to-wear outfits that embodied vibrancy, sophistication, and empowerment. Each collection was a testament to our commitment to making clients feel confident and beautiful.
Simultaneously, recognising the importance of imparting knowledge, I ventured into the realm of teaching. As a sewing tutor, I found joy in sharing the art of cutting and sewing, empowering individuals to express their creativity through fabric. This dual role allowed me to bridge the gap between design and education, contributing to both the growth of Adaz Empire and the skill development of aspiring designers.

What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion, to me, transcends the mere act of dressing; it is an expressive language that communicates identity, culture, and creativity. At the heart of  Adaz Empire, fashion is a powerful means of self-expression and empowerment. It goes beyond the stitching of fabrics; it is the art of storytelling through design. In my role as the creative director of Adaz Empire, fashion signifies shouldering the responsibility of crafting designs that not only align with the current pulse of trends, but also involves embracing its transformative influence on individuals and communities.
Fashion, to me, is a pulsating force that shapes not only how we look, but also the stories we tell through the artistry of design.

Are there recurring themes or elements in your designs that define your brand?
At Adaz Empire, the core essence of our brand lies in the fusion of creativity, innovation, and empowerment. One of the distinctive recurring themes in our designs is the vibrant use of colours. We believe that colours have the power to convey emotions and instil confidence, and this philosophy is reflected in our ready-to-wear pieces. Each collection is meticulously curated to celebrate a kaleidoscope of hues, creating a visual language that not only captivates, but also empowers women to embrace their individuality with confidence.
We focus on creating pieces that seamlessly blend style and comfort, ensuring that every garment from Adaz Empire becomes a statement of empowerment for the wearer. Also, as a fashion tutoring brand, our commitment to education and skill development also influences the design process. This ensures that the beauty of our creations is not just in their appearance but also in the craftsmanship that goes into making them accessible to those who are passionate about fashion.

How does Adaz Empire leverage social media or digital platforms to reach a global audience?  
In the dynamic landscape of the fashion industry, leveraging social media and digital platforms has become instrumental in reaching a global audience. At Adaz Empire, we recognize the transformative power of these platforms and have strategically integrated them into our brand strategy. We utilise platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube to showcase our vibrant designs, engaging with our audience through visually compelling content. Through carefully curated posts, videos, stories, and reels, we aim to create an immersive experience that not only highlights our latest collections, but also shares the story behind each piece and its sewing process.
This approach not only captivates our existing audience but also attracts new followers who resonate with our brand ethos. Additionally, we harness the potential of e-commerce platforms to make our collections accessible to a global customer base. Our online presence allows us to connect with our clients from various corners of the world, providing them with a seamless shopping experience and the opportunity to embrace the unique style and confidence that Adaz Empire represents.
In essence, our digital strategy is rooted in creating an inclusive, visually compelling, and accessible online presence that transcends geographical boundaries.

In what ways do you ensure that your collections resonate with a diverse, international audience?
At Adaz Empire, we are deeply committed to creating fashion that transcends borders and resonates with a diverse, international audience. We celebrate diversity by incorporating elements from different traditions, ethnicities, and global fashion trends. This ensures that our collections reflect a mosaic of influences, making them relatable to individuals from various backgrounds. In addition to this, recognising the beauty in diversity of body shapes and sizes, we prioritise inclusive sizing in our collections. By offering a range of sizes, we aim to cater to a broad spectrum of individuals, embracing the uniqueness of every body type and ensuring that our designs are accessible and empowering for all.
We also actively seek feedback from our international customer base through social media, surveys, and direct communication. This ongoing dialogue enables us to understand the evolving needs and preferences of our diverse audience, allowing us to adapt our collections to better resonate with the global community.


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