Osun debunks curfew rumours, warns criminals

Osun State Government, yesterday, said there is no curfew of any nature in any part of the state. It, however, cautioned citizens to avoid reckless movements, especially at odd hours of the day.

Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Wole Oyebamiji, in a statement, yesterday, assured citizens that peace had been restored to the few troubled communities; hence citizens were free to go about their legitimate activities without fear of harassment.

He warned criminal elements responsible for the harassment of citizens and upsetting of communal peace to desist from such acts to avoid the long arm of the law.

“Osun State government wishes to inform the public that there is no curfew of any nature in any part of the state. The governor, who is the Chief Security Officer of the state, has not declared any curfew. What obtains, however, is that some communities that recently experienced a disruption of peace were placed under strict security surveillance, after order had been restored there. This does not translate to curfew.”

“The government is assuring citizens that the state remains safe regardless of the activities of a few criminal elements. This government has never and will not fold its arms while a few criminal elements decide to violate the rights of other citizens,” he said.

According to him, those disrupting the peace of Osun will face the full weight of the law, if apprehended.

He added: “Anyone, who has found delight in making trouble has the option of relocating elsewhere, if they cannot do without fomenting trouble.

“Citizens are advised to cooperate with the government and security agencies by raising the alarm about suspicious movements within and around their communities. They are also advised, while going about their legal activities, to avoid night crawling and moving about at odd hours.”

The Gboyega Oyetola-led government of Osun, he asserted, remains committed to the security of life and property from actual and potential threats.

“More so, it is mindful of the sensitivity of the season the state is approaching and is taking necessary strategic actions to guarantee that the enviable peace profile of the state is sustained,” the statement read.


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