Opu Nembe attack: Former Youth President fights back, debunks allegations,vows to clear name legally

The Former Youth President of Opu- Nembe, Comrade Iruo Theo has debunked claims made by Chairman, Council of Chiefs, Chief Ezekiel S.T Ikoli in a press conference where he made unfounded allegations over the armed invasion of Opu- Nembe on February 15th 2023.

According to Iruo, Opu-Nembe (Bassambiri), has been under a brutal siege since the inception of Ayerite Moses as Youth President and his regime of terror has been emboldened by Chief Ikoli who is chairman, Council of Chiefs
Iruo, whose name was mentioned as one of the attackers, said the press conference granted by Chief Ikoli lacks merit.

He exonerated himself and Dr Sam Kojo from the armed invasion of Opu- Nembe stressing that Dr Kojo could not be involved in causing pain for the people of Opu- Nembe talk more of sending people to invade a community which he cherished and has lofty vision to see the growth of its youths in competence in their different sphere of endeavour.

Iruo declared that the community has been turned into a militant zone and its citizens to be political prisoners adding that electricity, water, and other social amenities have been denied the people.

He stated that a peaceful protest carried out by the women of Opu-Nembe failed to achieve the desired result as Chief Ikoli working hand in gloves with Ayerite frustrated the demands of the women and subjected them to inhuman treatment.

While accusing Ayerite of several illegal actions detrimental to the peace of the community, including destruction of people’s houses, Iruo said a series of invitations by security agencies to the said Ayerite has been rebuffed.

He said Chief Ikoli out of fear has continued to shield Ayerite from the law and giving him leeway to threaten politicians and destroy properties of law abiding individuals like King Iyerite Chiefson Awululu of Oluasiri.

Iruo who vowed to legitimately fight to clear his name and others mentioned in the attack said he would unmask Chief Ikoli for his complicity in the crisis ravaging Opu- Nembe with evidence.
