Optimising your destiny – Part 4

There are several ways to optimise your destiny and one of them is by the spirit of diligence. No lazy man can optimise his destiny; it takes hard work to fulfil it. If you are too lazy to pray, study and even attend fellowship you cannot move forward. Understand that you will give account of everything you do on earth, so, stop wasting your time, lazing around or doing nothing. Every little time you spend counts! Time is a unit of destiny; every time wasted is destiny wasted. On your way to destiny, there are time wasters, avoid them. Prov. 22:29 says, if you are diligent, you will stand with great men. Kings do not relate with ordinary men, but those whose lives radiate light, men who have taken time to improve on themselves. Learn to always be a better version of yourself in your profession or career. Pay the price to add value to yourself and stop being lazy.

On your way to optimising your destiny, resist every shortcut mentality; it leads to compromise. Lasting success comes from consistency, follow the process and you will arrive there. When you jump process to go up you will not have the capacity to sustain it and, so, you will crash. But when you grow up, you are building capacity and there will be no coming down when you get there. Joseph took 13 years to build capacity and at 30, he was at the pinnacle of success as prime minister in Egypt. He retained this height and position for 80 years until his death at 110 years.

Many people get their breakthrough and lose it because they don’t know what to do. When God blesses you, remember to serve him with the blessings. Pay your tithe regularly and support kingdom projects, stop spending your resources on things that are of no eternal relevance.

Another way to optimise your destiny is by understanding the times and seasons. John 5:4 says, an angel comes to stir the water at a particular season. There is a season for everything, don’t miss it. There is a time to prepare and build capacity, which is called Chronos time. You can build your emotional, spiritual and intellectual capacity to handle where God is taking you to. There is also a Kairos time, which is a season to manifest. It is your time of opportunity and when it meets you prepared, your success is guaranteed. Be like the sons of Issachar who understood the times (1Chron. 12:32). If you try to manifest before your time, you can die untimely. Be sensitive in the spirit and know the time for sowing.

• Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. dtimchurch@gmail.com. Prayer line: +2348135952623


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