Olabanji Ewenla: From product manager to entrepreneur, empowering future leaders

Olabanji Ewenla

Olabanji Ewenla, a lead product manager, coach, and author, shares his entrepreneurial journey that led to the establishment of Enoverlab, a thriving training institute accredited by the American Council of Training and Development (ACTD). Enoverlab offers comprehensive product management training to individuals and corporate organizations, bridging the gap in the Nigerian tech ecosystem.

Growing up in Iju Ishaga, Lagos state, Olabanji’s entrepreneurial spirit was nurtured by his mother, a successful businesswoman who transitioned from the corporate world to running her own farming business. This upbringing instilled in him a drive to solve problems and create solutions that enhance people’s lives.

“To make significant money in the world, you must give much more significant value to the world. This understanding shaped my thinking and mindset, influencing everything I do today,” Olabanji reflected.

Guided by the wisdom and mentorship of individuals such as Mr. Tope Akinola, Mrs. Emem Nwogwugwu, Robert Kiyosaki, and his role model, Jim Rohn, Olabanji has grown his professional career in leaps and bounds beyond what is typical.

Motivated by the scarcity of skilled tech talents in the Nigerian tech ecosystem and the high cost of learning professional tech skills, Olabanji founded Enoverlab. The training institute equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, tools, and experience required to excel as product managers, enabling them to lead the development and delivery of impactful products globally.

Over the past two years, Enoverlab has successfully trained over 250 individuals, with approximately 70% of graduates currently working in product management roles for companies across the globe, including the US, UK, Canada, Italy, Qatar, Hong Kong, and Nigeria.

Olabanji’s dedication to transforming lives and his expertise in the field have earned him recognition, including international certification from the Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM) as a Certified Product Manager.

Highlighting the company’s commitment to mentoring future leaders, Olabanji emphasized, “Our trainees receive 10 weeks of comprehensive training and mentorship, along with an 8-week internship placement to gain practical experience. They also gain access to our supportive global community of over 600 product managers, receive CV reviews, interview preparations, job recommendations, and have lifelong access to product management resources.”

Reflecting on his journey, Olabanji expressed his desire to have executed ideas more swiftly. Nonetheless, he remains inspired by the positive impact Enoverlab has had on individuals’ careers and lives.

With Olabanji Ewenla’s vision and Enoverlab’s commitment to empowering individuals with the necessary skills for success in product management, the future of the Nigerian tech ecosystem looks brighter than ever.

