Ogun parents appeal to striking teachers

PARENTS in Ogun State yesterday appealed to striking teachers in the State to resume work in the interest of the students.

  Teachers in all public schools began an indefinite strike over an alleged refusal of the government to pay them their leave bonus and also effect the promotion of those due for promotion.

  But the State Chapter of the Parents-Teacher Association (PTA) faulted the strike, declaring that the present economic situation in the country did not warrant such an action.

  The teachers, under the aegis of the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Academic Staff Union of Secondary School Teachers (ASUSST) last Thursday commenced a statewide strike over an allege inability of the government to meet up with their demands.

  Leaders of the two unions vowed to continue the strike until Governor Ibikunle Amosun meets them personally to discuss the issue with them instead of sending government officials to discuss with them.

   Addressing a joint press conference in Abeokuta, the NUT and ASSUS leaders explained that they embarked on the strike because “the governor has refused to pay 27.5 per cent salary increase he had promised to pay them in October last year”.

  They also mentioned payment of their allowance, deductions from their salaries among others as some of their grievances. 

  Chairman of ASUSS in the state, Akeem Lasisi, said the governor was scheduled to meet with the leaders of the unions on Saturday, January 17, but sent some government officials instead.

   The state PTA chairman, Pastor Peculiar Aboluwaji Treasure, in a chat with newsmen, condemned the strike, lamenting that, “it is just unfair. Look at the situation around the country today, even some states are owing 12 months salaries, but I cannot understand this step now by our teachers over allowance payment”.

  He added: “Parents in Ogun State are not happy over this development and we are appealing that they should please go back and let us continue to dialogue.”

  Treasure debunked the claim that the governor shunned them, explaining that, “a committee had been set up to meet and come up with an acceptable position. I was part of that committee and we went to them to let us go and meet, but they refused, declaring that they only wanted to see the Governor.”

