Ogun begins 2021 hajj registration, payment

• Katsina refunds previous hajj deposits

Ogun State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board has commenced registration and payment for the 2021 holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medinah.

The Executive Secretary of the Board, Alhaji Salau Babatunde, who disclosed this in a statement, indicated that intending pilgrims are to pay initial hajj fare deposit of N1.2 million, in not more than three installments.

He stated that those who intend to rollover their initial 2020 hajj fare deposit are required to visit the board for proper documentation.

Babatunde enjoined other intending pilgrims to pay all necessary fares as they would be accorded priority on the basis of first-come first-serve, urging them to visit the board at the New Secretariat Complex for further enquiries.

He also informed that Hajj Savings Scheme, designed for those who intend to build their savings over a period of time towards performing hajj, has now commenced.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Katsina State Pilgrims Welfare Board, Alhaji Suleiman Nuhu Kuki, commended the board’s committee handling of the 2019 hajj deposit refund exercise for their commitment, diligence and transparency during the refund exercise carried out across the board’s zonal offices.

Also speaking, the Committee Chairman, who is also the board’s Director of Finance, Alhaji Usman Dalhatu, thanked the executive director for his untiring undertakings in supporting the staff with the enabling environment to operate. Commenting on the disbursement, some of the pilgrims praised Governor Aminu Bello Masari and NAHCON for the refund.


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