Ogechi Mbatu: Driving Inclusion, Diversity in Marketing Communications

Ogechi Mbatu.

An experienced marketing communications specialist with years of experience, Ogechi Mbatu has crafted strategy and executed brilliant marketing campaigns for multinational and global brands including Bolt, where she is currently the marketing communications specialist. Passionate about marketing, driving growth, fostering strategic partnerships and delivering ROI to brands, she talks about her passion for gender equality and creating more inclusive campaigns that resonate with all.

How do you ‘Inspire Inclusion’ into your personal and professional life?

In both lives, championing inclusion is not just a passive endeavour but an active commitment to ensuring that diverse perspectives are not only heard but also valued. This commitment extends seamlessly into my role in marketing communications at Bolt, where I recognise the importance of crafting campaigns that resonate with a wide range of audiences, irrespective of their gender, tribe or background. We understand that our customer base is incredibly diverse, reflecting a myriad of cultures, values and experiences and our marketing strategies must reflect and embrace this diversity to truly connect with our audience on a meaningful level. To achieve this, I prioritise understanding and empathising with the unique needs and preferences of various demographics within our customer base. By conducting research and utilising data-driven insights, I gain a deeper understanding of the diverse audiences I serve, which enables me tailor our messaging and creative approaches to resonate authentically with each segment of our audience. Whether it’s through culturally relevant imagery, inclusive language or showcasing diverse stories and perspectives, every aspect of our campaigns is carefully crafted to ensure inclusivity and resonance.

Can you share an instance where you championed diversity and inclusion within your team or within a campaign?

We have the Women in Tech campaign, a paid internship that enables women break into the tech industry and I directly champion this. We’ve grown from having less than 1,500 applicants in 2021 to over 11,000 applicants in 2022 and 2023. This campaign is dear to me and was borne out of the need to demystify the tech industry by showcasing the different roles that make a tech firm tick while showing women that their dreams are valid and the tech industry is not solely for men. We have recruited many women from different walks of life, ensuring they each have dedicated female mentors to guide them throughout their time with us. The feedback from the interns who worked with us for a few months to the wider public has been greatly positive; with some of them going on to pursue careers in the tech industry at home and abroad. As we continue to promote diversity and inclusion, I am proud to say that this campaign not only resonated deeply with our female consumer base but also fostered a sense of belonging within females of our internal team.

How do you navigate and advocate for inclusivity in this typically male-dominated industry?

As a woman who has worked and experienced growth in this field for some time, it would be inaccurate to say it is male-dominated as there are several women; including myself, making great strides in the industry. However, I believe being able to thrive and stand out in this field as a woman requires perseverance and a continuous need for advocacy. I actively advocate for inclusivity by amplifying the voices of my female colleagues, especially those I have been fortunate to mentor, ensuring they have equal opportunities for growth and recognition. By leading by example and demonstrating the value of diverse perspectives, I strive to create a more inclusive environment for women.

How do you balance your voice and perspective with the collective goal of promoting inclusivity in your marketing communications efforts?

This requires active listening and collaboration and I strive to contribute my unique insights while also creating space for others to share their perspectives. By fostering an environment of openness and respect, we can harness the collective creativity of our team to create truly inclusive and diverse marketing efforts.

In what ways do you actively mentor or support other women?

I actively mentor and support other women within and outside my department by providing guidance, feedback and opportunities for growth. Whether through formal mentorship programs as I mentioned earlier by way of the Women in Tech program or informal discussions, I am committed to empowering women to reach their full potential in their careers. Additionally, I advocate for policies and initiatives within our global company that promote gender diversity and inclusion, especially for African women. There are several instances I have felt empowered as a woman at Bolt seeing that the company fosters equal opportunity regardless of gender, age, background or tribe. I felt particularly empowered by the inclusive environment here, when I was given the opportunity to lead a cross-functional team on a high-impact, regional marketing campaign. Despite being one of the few women and the newest member of the team, I felt supported and respected by my colleagues, who valued my contributions and expertise. This experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation and success.

What can companies do to foster a culture of inclusion and diversity, especially within the tech and marketing communications sector?

It is essential to prioritise representation at all levels of an organisation and this goes beyond the stereotypical “diversity hires” that look good on paper. This includes actively advocating for equality, involving women in decision-making processes, inclusive leadership development programs and ongoing education and training on unconscious bias and diversity issues. By fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and respected, we can unlock the full potential of our teams and drive meaningful change.

How do you see women’s role evolving in the tech and marketing communications industry and what opportunities are there for further advancement and inclusion?

The role of women in both areas is evolving rapidly, with increasing opportunities for further advancement and inclusion. As more companies recognise the value of diverse perspectives in driving business success, women have the opportunity to take on leadership roles and make a significant impact. By continuing to advocate for ourselves and each other with the support of well-meaning men, we can create a future where women are equally represented and empowered in all industries.

In this women’s month, what would you say to aspiring women in tech and marketing communications who aim to make their mark while promoting inclusion and diversity?

Embrace courage, ambition, and boldness; intentionally position yourselves for opportunities and never settle for less. Remember, success demands hard work. To all aspiring women in tech and marketing communications, cultivate your unique voice and creative outlook while maintaining a thirst for knowledge. Your diverse experiences and perspectives are invaluable drivers of change in our industry. Through mutual support and amplification, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future for all women in both areas. Furthermore, let’s not forget that advocating for inclusion and diversity extends far beyond the confines of our workplaces. It’s about fostering a culture of support and empowerment in our personal lives as well. Let’s strive to be each other’s champions, mentors and allies, offering guidance and encouragement always. Together, we can break down barriers, challenge stereotypes and build a community where every voice is heard and valued. So, let’s stand tall, speak up, and continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, not just for ourselves but for future generations of women in this industry and beyond.


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