Nse Ikpe-Etim Speaks On Her Character In The Movie FIFTY

“I truly think I was cast for the best role in FIFTY… nothing else calls to me.” Nse Ikpe-Etim

EbonyLife Films would be premiering the highly anticipated movie, FIFTY at the prestigious Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, on December 13, 2015.

Scheduled for cinemas nationwide as from December 18, 2015, the 2015 BFI London Film Festival official selection has continued to garner exciting reviews locally and internationally. As we count down to both the grand premiere and cinema release, Nse Ikpe-Etim (who plays Kate in the movie) gives us more than a sneak peek into her role and the movie in its entirety.

Omoni Oboli, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Ireti Doyle, Dakore Egbuson-Akande

Can you briefly describe the role you played in FIFTY?

The character I played in FIFTY, Kate, was a humble Christian woman who when faced with challenges, refused to believe that God had let her down. She was a hard worker and a praying woman who believed in miracles.

What sort of person is going to love this character that you played?

The sort of person who would love the character I played would be the everyday Nigerian who is faced with difficulties and has only “hope” to rely on.

How is this character like you?

Kate was simple and this I am. However, I am somewhat a practical person but the character opened me up to see that life is not always fair to those who deserve it but we have to take adversity the same way we accept our successes.

What do you love about this character?

I loved the simple nature and easy demeanour of the character. She held on to God tightly.

What do you hate about this character?

I have never judged any character I have played so if I state that I hate anything about her then I would have judged her … I loved her for who she was. Like any human being, she was flawed but beautiful in her essence.

What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?

My biggest challenge was having to deal with a topic which was close to my heart … and knowing that someone out there was going through the same thing and I was to play her using film to let her know I felt her pain.

What’s your favorite line of dialogue in your role and why?

“Pastor, why is God unhappy with me?” I hope I got that right … It just showed that even with faith, one can falter as a human being…

Besides yourself, which actor in FIFTY is going to blow audiences away? And why?

I think Elizabeth is that character … She was the embodiment of “calculated decadence” hahahahahha!

If you could play any other character in FIFTY, who would it be? And why?

I was to taken by my character and truly think I was cast for the best role … nothing else calls to me.

Describe FIFTY in one word.



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