NOUN partners IPMA-UK to boost students’management skills

Head of Legal, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Mr. Bitrus Riki, (left); Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics), Professor Patrick Eke Eya; Registrar, Mrs. Josephine O. Akinyemi; Vice Chancellor, Prof. Vincent Tenebe; Head, Africa rRgional Office, International Professional Managers Association (IPMA), United Kingdom, Prof. Olufeyisan  Taiwo Feyi-Sobanjo, and Deputy Vice Chancellor(Administration) of NOUN, Professor Victor Adedipe, during the handing over of the signed MoU between the university and IPMA to Prof. Feyi-Sobanjo

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Professional Managers Association of United Kingdom (IPMA-UK).

The IPMA is a UK-based international examining, licensing and regulatory membership qualifying body that provides management and management-related students and workers with the unique opportunity to participate and to be part of the process of improving administrative and managerial performance and effectiveness in all areas of business, industry and public administration around the world.

The body is also a member of the National Academic Recognition Information Centre of the United Kingdom (UK-NARIC) and recognised in Nigeria by the Federal Ministry of Education.

Among other things, the partnership is aimed at equipping graduates of the institution with advanced professional management skills that would make them globally competitive, and give them unrestricted access to global employment opportunities.

In addition to this, the collaboration would see NOUN students benefit immensely from the mapping and integration of NOUN academic and IPMA-UK professional programmes to give NOUN management and management-related students, accelerated career advancement.

Consequently, they would graduate with a degree from NOUN and the internationally recognised professional qualification of IPMA-UK. Furthermore, the collaboration will also provide all NOUN students the unique opportunity of accessing the renowned IPMA-UK electronic library to enhance their study and research as well as give them global networking opportunities.

