NNL chairman canvasses community ownership of clubs

Madiba FC, debutants in the Nigerian national league (NNL).

Chairman of Nigeria National League (NNL), George Aluo, has reiterated the need for communities to pool resources together and establish clubs, saying that is the only way the country’s club football will grow to the desired level.

The NNL boss, who expressed satisfaction with the successes recorded by the country’s second-tier league since he took over the leadership, said that the government would hands off running football clubs if communities and individuals get together to establish clubs.

He said that clubs will be better managed by private individuals and communities as it is done in other climes, adding, “it is unfortunate that governments are still managing professional club sides in this country because our football can never grow with government ownership of clubs.

“All we need to do and encourage is to have community-based clubs and private ownership of club sides, and things will begin to change.”

Aluo added: “When you look at Remo Stars,which is privately owned, you will discover that the club is well managed without government subvention. Even at the NNL, Sporting Supreme fly their players to match venues, and yet it is owned by an individual. So, we must discourage government involvement in our football.”

He expressed appreciation to God for adding another year to his age, saying that he is a fulfilled man considering his achievements in both his journalism profession and as a sports administrator.

The NNL boss while commending Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) Chairman, Alhaji Ibrahim Gusau, for the opportunity to serve the country, he identified paucity of funds as the greatest challenge facing his board.

He appealed to corporate organisations to take an interest in NNL to make the country’s lower league stronger and more attractive.


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