NLNG wins CIPM best practices award

NLGThe Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) has rated Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG)as one of the top three companies with the best HR practice in Nigeria.

At a ceremony at CIPM’s Annual Conference on October 14, 2015 in Abuja, CIPM awarded NLNG with the Human Resources (HR) Best Practice Awards, after a rigorous process of assessments and surveys by the professional bodyfrom a list of 20 companies.

According to CIPM, the award was designed to give organisations and the entire business world the opportunity to celebrate HR contributions to the success of organisations.

Receiving the award, the General Manager, Human Resources at NLNG, Peter Odjoji, said “NLNG came second in the overall category, putting us in the top- shelfcategory of pure HR excellence. This milestone reinforces the fact that NLNG maintains the very highest standards in all its HR principles and practices.Ours is a nexus of HR policies that exemplifies global best practices which can only be paralleled by few in Nigeria. The policies meet organisational needs as well as take cognisance of personal development of each staff. NLNG is an employer of choice and we are very proud of this.”

The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management flagged the Annual HR Best Practice Awards in 2012 to positively transform, develop a sustain professional excellence in the human resources profession through identification and recognition of organisations with consistent track record of world class HR practice.

