Nigerians react to BBC documentary on TB Joshua’s allege atrocities

Nigerians yesterday reacted to a documentary by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) alleging that the late founder of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua, famously known as TB. Joshua, abused, harassed, raped, Manipulated and staged miracles.

The documentary is a 3-part investigative documentary detailing the alleged atrocities and sexual crimes committed by TB. Joshua.
Joshua died on June 5, 2021. As part of the investigation, the BBC said it interviewed at least 30 former members and workers of the church. The first installment of the documentary was released yesterday.

The sources claimed that the church knew about all the allegations but never investigated them. They alleged the sexual crime spanned over 20 years.

A part of the documentary revealed how SCOAN shielded its congregation from the truth about the collapse of one of the church’s guesthouses in 2014. A video that was shown multiple times to members on Emmanuel TV showed a short clip of the structure with something that seemed like an aircraft flying over it.

But reacting, investigative journalist, David Hundeyin faulted the documentary.

He stated: “This is what BBC Africa excels at. Glorified tabloid journalism masquerading as important, hard-hitting stories. people. No documentary that provides any actionable insights or platform for actual broad-based societal change.

Just glossy outrage porn and elementary school analysis to feed hate clicks by those who lack knowledge of the actual issues and who erroneously think that what goes on at BBC Africa – a place where staff get fired for not getting enough clicks on their stories – can be classified as “journalism.”

“As I said last year, what BBC Africa does is content farming disguised as investigative reporting. I do not take them serious.

“A documentary about a dead man who can’t be brought to justice is the height of their investigative reporting.”
Damian said: “Nothing about the gruesome murder of Nigerians in the Middle-Belt by BBC African Eye.

Nothing about the evidence released by Chicago courts & FBI on the president-select.

Nothing about the deep rooted corruption in the Nigerian Legislature.

Charles Samuel said, “Authority should pls go & finds out all this stuff because virtually 90% of the people that worked with TB Joshua were saying the same thing and many of it could be true.
Deepstate187, said: “I believe this woman. I have met her in the synagogue church of all nations in 2001. We were there when the planes hit the twin towers in New York. I met my first wife there. My now ex wife. My ex wife is Veronica Doe. We married that same year. Our divorce has come final in 2010.

Shadaya Knith said: “Whether TB Joshua is guilty of the things he is being accused of or not. Every African should question why the BBC would do a documentary on an African pastor yet not do the same for a European/American billionaire who had a whole island as a hunting ground for pedophiles.

We are yet to even see or hear a documentary about the alleged attrocities of the royal family as alleged by the late Princess Diana. Why should the BBC write or narrate African stories?
Jola said: “The absolute breakdown of law and order means a lot of cults and religious abuse thrives in Nigeria. Nothing about TB Joshua is news or surprising. There have been stories and exposes about his abuse for years.


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