Nigerian Bottling Company champions sustainable plastic waste practices to commemorate 50th anniversary of World Environment Day

In observance of the 2023 World Environment Day, leading consumer packaged goods company and member of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC), Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Ltd. has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to a World Without Waste through sustainable plastic and waste management by hosting a plastic recycling awareness campaign with her partners and Employees.

In recognition of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) call for intensified endeavours to reduce waste and shift towards a circular economy, NBC’s Plastic Recycling Drive is aimed at mobilising the community and raising awareness about the importance of sustainable plastic waste management and encourage responsible plastic disposal practices. These efforts were also in accordance with this year’s theme – “Solutions to plastic pollution” and aligns with NBC’s proactive efforts which continue to highlight the immense opportunities in plastic circularity via plastic collection and recycling sector which has created economic empowerment and social equity to thousands of women and youth while supporting several United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Commenting on the initiative, Packaging Recovery Manager, Nigerian Bottling Company, Mr. Idris Adetola, said, “At NBC, environmental sustainability and stewardship remain a priority. We firmly believe in the collective responsibility to safeguard our environment for future generations. The plastic recycling drive not only exemplifies our unwavering dedication to a World Without Waste but more importantly to continue to show the abundant opportunities in the circular plastic economy which is making significant economic and social impact to thousands of Nigerians. Our plastics are 100% recyclable hence they are of value however to unlock this value via recycling, we must sort our plastics and direct them into available recycling channels. Our overarching vision as an organisation is to create a world where plastic never becomes waste but seen as a valuable material that it is which feeds into another vibrant manufacturing sub-sector, hence emphasising the need for urgent action and collaborative efforts.”

Mr. Babajide Adeoye, the Head of the Waste Management and Sanitation Services Department at the Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, expressed his appreciation for the proactive steps taken by the Nigerian Bottling Company, in ensuring the cleanliness of its host communities. He acknowledged their steadfast dedication and consideration in addressing the issue of plastic pollution, emphasising that these efforts will significantly contribute to promoting a cleaner and healthier environment.

Following the plastic waste management roadshow and awareness campaign, which included key stakeholders from the Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, Food and Beverage Recycling Alliance (FBRA) as well as notable environmentalists and partners, a total of 2,255 PET bottles were recovered during the exercise.

Over the years, the Nigerian Bottling Company has demonstrated remarkable achievements in environmental sustainability. Through the implementation of its preform right-weighting program, the company consistently eliminates approximately 1,400 MT of plastics from its supply chain annually. This proactive measure has not only contributed to a substantial reduction of emissions per year but also showcases NBC’s commitment to mitigating its environmental impact.


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