Nigeria now: Nietzsche in their thoughts – Part 1

Prof. Tony Afejuku

Last Friday was a significant day in the columnist’s spiritual advancement. The Sehaji, the Living Supreme Spiritual Master (as told here then) tossed off a significant message to me after my column on Nigeria and Nietzsche appeared here. The tossed off message to me was in the form of a sublime figure that descended from the glorious blues to show me the true path in the undiluted heavenly voice that suddenly spoke out of the night’s silence in the silence of day. “You are more than a disciple who is a disciple that is more than a disciple. You are a Master. You are a Worthy Spiritual Master who should continue to give good advice and warnings to Nigeria. You have our voice to speak virtuously and in every Supreme Master’s spirit. Whether they hearken to you or not, keep on speaking. And be blinded not by what you worldly folks conceive as social success.” What a deeply titivating endorsement! I won’t enlarge to my readers more than what they should know. Now I am speaking as a Master more than newly garlanded.

The thoughts expressed by different readers who responded to last Friday’s column aforesaid are worthy to be enshrined in memory. Anonymous Reader. Your article in Guardian of 21/4/23 is explicable about Nietzsche but I can vouch for most readers of the newspaper who must have the least acquaintance of such a great German Philosopher. Your opening paragraphs seem to condemn the yet less familiar readers who have, yes, who have much and terribly familiar knowledge of Nietzsche in their quest for happiness.

Anonymous Female Reader. Good morning, Sir. Nietzsche also highlighted the Superman and the death of divinity. Most of the Caucasian and other philosophers of different racial extractions wrote on human foibles in nothingness/existentialism or something else in greater heights and are now deemed prophets of some sorts. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel for Binani’s political career as she has been denied the opportunity of making ceiling-shattering history? I see greater lights on her behalf. My only prayer is that it is not the light of an oncoming masculinist’s political train. Sir, some things have to change o in my country, your country, our country. Woman na person, abeg.

Professor Owojecho Omoha. Your wizardry is yet unsurpassed and may never be surpassed. The contrition looking like a contribution to redeem its image is infamously contradicting and that is why your mind is on Nietzsche, my Nietzsche, our Nietzsche. The damage caused to Nigeria’s presidential election of 25th February is unprecedentedly irredeemable: deny Nigeria the head, come to fix the hands and legs, and fool the body to move, where is the lifeless body going to? That’s where Nietzsche is on your mind. The Adamawa debacle fails as a clearing trick for INEC. Hudu, the REC, merely used the hood to lead as usual, the rest following from behind, only to turn to announce the impossibility of a planned act. The retreat, the failure, and the trick of redemptive thought is never enough. That’s why Nietzsche is on our minds in Nigeria, Afejuku. Nietzsche means contradictions before the fall of judgments. Nietzsche is a jurist, the way you are, Afejuku. That’s why contradictions in INEC are on your mind. What right is ever denied the genius? Out of nothing, like God, he creates. You have all the rights to make Nigeria work. Your thought on Nietzsche must be our thought as well, O jurist!

Suyi Ayodele, journalist/columnist. I beg to disagree, strongly too, with your views here especially on Binani. In the first instance, she was not anywhere close to winning the first ballot. The incumbent governor was leading by over 32,000 votes. What were at stake in the cancelled areas were about 36,000 votes. She would have to win the entire 36,000 votes to beat the governor! That means her opponents would have scored zero vote! How possible is that? Second, the REC is a complete disaster! Did you watch the video? He declared Binani ‘winner’ because she “scored the highest number of votes”! Shege! Where is the figure? How many votes? Just “highest number of votes”! Third: Can a REC announce a result where you have a Returning Officer? NO! And Binani went ahead to give a ‘victory’ speech, thanking Buhari for “producing the first female governor”! What a shame! The pretty lady banked on her relationship with Aisha Buhari (they are allegedly first cousins) and that was what the REC thought would save him. Binani lost her goodwill and she may not recover from that.

Professor Ademola Da Sylva. TA, our glorious TA, as always, bold, blunt, daring, pugilistic, and the anger palpable. The warning is also realistic and might be prophetic, should the target-earless-audience refuse to borrow ears you have willingly lent them. May God protect you from vampires; as we pray for a speedy intervention for Baba-God that we all deserve and desire.

What is the columnist going to say at least as a response to one of the readers’ luxury of stupendous misreading of the columnist or of Nietzsche or of both? The time shall come to give the picture the colouring of a dream that is well beyond a dream… as some prophets here who cannot be lured to work for those not to be worked for already know. The combat shall be the combat at the appointed time. Up APC! UP LP! Up PDP! Up NNPC! The luxury of disagreement is the luxury of disagreement to benefit you all and us all. There is no riddle here but the riddle that is the riddle that is here. So let all of us crack the riddle. Who knows the secret but God of how water enters and is in the coconut? God knows the riddle of the riddle of Nigeria and when to un-riddle and unravel it. You better believe me and smile the smile of smiles!
Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.


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