Nigeria, China sign deal on energy transmission network


THE Federal Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TBEA Co Ltd of China to fast track the development of transmission lines and substations in Nigeria. 

  This was done with the understanding that power transmission infrastructure is critical to the continued growth of the sector.

  Represented by the Minister of State for Power, Mohammed Wakil, the government signed the agreement recently in Abuja. 

   Wakil emphasized the pressing need to improve the nation’s transmission sub-stations as all efforts geared towards the generation and distribution of power will amount to nothing without an intermediary channel that wheels the power. 

   He however urged the firm to go beyond developing and building transmission lines and sub-stations to fulfilling its earlier promise of setting up a transformer manufacturing company in Africa, precisely Nigeria.

   He also advocated that the corporation provides adequate training for the Nigerian workforce vis-à-vis the local content policy of the government. On behalf of the government, he pledged a full cooperation with the firm in order to facilitate a smooth initialization of the project.

