NICA holds Africa’s debt crisis conference in London

Prof. Chris Onalo

The National Institute of Credit Administration (NICA) and the International Partnership for Africa Development (I-PAD) Scotland, will in September hold a two-day Sustainable Debt and Development Conclave in London, England, to be hosted by the London Postgraduate Credit Management College (LPCMC).

According to the Conference Organising Council, which consists of Prof. Chris Onalo, CEO/Registrar of NICA; Shirley Mawer, Advisory Board of Secretary to the LPCMC; and Obumneme Nwafor, Director, Centre for Africa Policy Research and Development Scotland, Africa has a debt crisis and infrastructural deficit as the continent is squeezing under a crushing debt burden and unable to move faster in its development plans.

The organizers note: “It is clear to every African country today that the continent is inexplicably in need of high-impact initiatives to move her developments faster, free herself from the strongholds of debilitating borrowing conditionalities and entrench home-grown economic empowerment policy culture. This all the more makes the conference a must-attend for leaders in governments, politics, business, academics, civil society, parliaments, financial regulatory institutions and subnational authorities.

Some of the speakers at the event include: Dr. Chioma Nwafor, who leads the Quantitative Research team at CEDAF Scotland speaking on The Genesis of Africa’s Debt Conundrum: Made in China or the West?; Dr. Philip Muinde, Chair of the African Council speaking on Rethinking Race in International Development and Debt Sustainability; and Dr. Reinhold Kamati from Namibia Central Bank speaking on the Monetary Policy Trilemma: Navigating Price, Financial and Currency Stability.


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