NIC appoints Ubani public trustee of civil service union 


The President of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria, Justice B. Kanyip has appointed Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Monday Ubani as public trustee of the Nigeria Civil Service Union (NCSU).
His appointment came following the nullification of the union’s January 2018 National Delegates Conference in which Lawrence Amaechi-led executive was purportedly elected in an alleged brazen violation of a valid court order that status quo be maintained pending the determination of the substantive suit.
Ubani, who enforced his resumption on the 29th of January after the initial resistance by the illegal exco of Amaechi has received the commitment of the various heads of the union, who are running the administration before this appointment. 
The appointment letter from the Industrial Court, dated 29th of December, 2020 stated that Ubani’s appointment is sequel to the order contained in the judgement delivered on the 25th October, 2019 by His Lordship, the Honourable Justice Sanusi Kado of the Abuja Judicial Division of the National Industrial Court in the suit between Benson Ekasa and 1 other v. Kiri Mohammed (the then National President of the Union). 

The letter read in part: “Pursuant to Section 19(c) of the National Industrial Court Act, 2006; Order 59 of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (Civil Procedure) Rule, 2017 and the Order contained in the judgement delivered on the 25th October, 2019 by His Lordship Hon Justice Sanusi Kado, in the above subject matter suit.

I hereby appoint you, Monday O. Ubani Esq, as the Public Trustee for the Nigeria Civil Service Union. (herein after referred to as the “Union” for an initial period of three(3) months, effective from the date of your acceptance of the appointment, on the following terms: to oversee and superintend the running of the administration and finances of the union.
“To convene National Delegates Conference of the National Civil Service Union and organise election to elect new executive members in line with the constitution of the union.
“To render account of your activities within the above specified period in a report to be forwarded to the Court immediately after the expiration of the tenure and to forward a copy of the report to the Honourable Minister of Labour.
“In the event that you are not able to conclude your assignment within the three months period stated above, you may apply for re-appointment for another three months. In this event, you shall be requested to provide satisfactory reasons why you may be so re-appointed.”


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