Ned Nwoko’s commendable anti-gas flaring motion

Ned Nwoko

Sir: Prince Chinedu Munir Nwoko, popularly known as Ned Nwoko, a Nigerian lawyer, philanthropist, politician and senator representing Delta North Senatorial District in the Nigeria’s Upper Legislative arm,  is a clear thinker.

This assertion is gleaned in his harvest of baskets of bills and motions in his seven months sojourn so far in the nation’s Upper Legislative arm, the Senate, popularly called the red chamber.  This is signposted in his scorecard of resourcefulness, ingenuity and vivid understanding of legislative procedures.

Some of these bills and motions coming from Senator Nwoko includes but not limited; Motion on urgent need for African nations to attain veto power at the United Nations Security Council. “A bill for an Act to alter the 1999 Constitution (as altered) to provide for Diaspora voting and for related matters” holds several advantages, particularly in the area of inclusivity and representation for Nigerian citizens living abroad. Motion on urgent need to investigate the brutal murder of a two-year-old boy by operatives of NDLEA. Motion on the need to demand reparations for historical injustices and mitigation of neo-colonialism in Nigeria, African nations.
Beginning with the last which focused on urgent need to stop gas flaring and enforces anti-gas flaring regulations in Ndokwa land and the Niger Delta region among others, there exists several reasons that qualify the motion as not only timely and a right step taken in the right direction, but carries several advantages essential for the well-being of the people and the environment.

The motion maintained that gas flaring contributes significantly to air and water pollution, which has detrimental effects on the environment, wildlife, and public health. He argued that by addressing this issue, the motion aims to protect the ecological balance and biodiversity in the affected regions, safeguarding the long-term environmental sustainability.

Of course, the lawmaker’s argument is not only in order but should be perfectly appreciated by all Niger Deltans of goodwill. Going by commentaries, what is currently happening as regards gas flaring in the Niger Delta region and Delta State in particular may no longer be the first half of a reoccurring circle, but, rather the beginning of something negatively new and different.

The above account further highlights as true the argument by the Idumuje Ugboko born senator that  gas flaring releases harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter into the atmosphere, posing serious health risks to nearby communities.

Aside from seeking improved public health and reducing the prevalence of respiratory diseases and other health complications associated with exposure to flared gas emissions, also worthy of commendation is Nwoko’s recognition that the negative impacts of gas flaring extends to the economic well-being of the affected communities – and his understanding  that  addressing this issue, will create the potential for sustainable economic development, promotes alternative uses for associated gas, such as power generation, which can create employment opportunities and support local livelihoods

Issues raised by Nwoko are not political but moral, environmental and economic concerns aimed at improving the life chances of Niger Deltans and therefore, should be given the needed support by all irrespective of party affiliations.
•Jerome-Mario Utomi is the programme cordinator (Media and Public Policy), Social and Economic Justice Advocacy (SEJA), Lagos. 



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