NBA Lagos, ACGC sign MoU to enhance knowledge sharing

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Lagos Branch has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on knowledge-sharing with the African Corporate and Government Counsel (ACGC) Forum.

According to the MoU, both organisations will develop a relationship that is mutually beneficial to their in-house counsel membership

With the move, the bodies are mandated to jointly organise conferences and similar activities to improve in-house counsels’ knowledge of best practices in the profession.

The new relationship is also expected to boost engagement and partnership between in-house counsels in Lagos and Nigeria with their counterparts in the continent.

The ACGC Forum aims at serving the professional needs of Africa’s in-house legal practitioners.

It does this by “providing a network, information, resources, training, and other services that support their roles in business and government across the continent”.

The community supports almost 1,000 in-house counsel in Africa, according to a statement on their website.

On the other hand, the NBA Lagos Branch “is a professional, non-profit association which is comprised of all lawyers called to the Nigerian Bar and practicing in the Lagos Division of the Lagos High Court of Justice”.


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