National Assembly counters NUPENG, tanker drivers over N621b road fund allegation

NUPENG office

The National Assembly Joint Committees on Works has countered the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) and Petroleum Tanker Drivers Union over alleged diversion of N621 billion road fund by the Ministry of Works.

The leadership of the two unions had alleged that the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, and some governors, hijacked the fund earmarked for rehabilitation and reconstruction of federal roads.

Against this backdrop, the joint committees invited Minister of Works, Babatunde Fashola, and the leadership of both unions to respond to the allegation. The later, however, failed to honour the invitation.

Apparently piqued by the development, the chairman of the joint committees, Senator Adamu Aliero (APC, Kebbi Central), described the leadership of NUPENG and Tanker Drivers Union as “liars and irresponsible.”

He also asked them to reappear before the panel “in the next seven days.” He said: “For someone to make this grave allegation, and was given the opportunity to defend the allegations, and decided not to come, (such) is either a liar or irresponsible.

“We are not going to take it lightly with them. We are going to compel them to appear and speak on the allegation. We have summoned both NUPENG and the Petroleum Tanker Drivers to come and defend the allegation made that N621 billion has been hijacked by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, together with some governors, and this money is meant for rehabilitation and reconstruction of 21 roads in the country.

“We felt that this allegation is very grave and serious. We need to investigate it properly to ascertain the veracity of the claim. That was why we called the Ministry of Works, and the minister responded with his directors.

“Members of the Senate and House Committees on Works are here. We don’t take allegations that have to do with public funds lightly. This is taxpayers’ money. We want to ensure that it is properly investigated. If they don’t come, we will compel them. We will issue a warrant.”


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