NAFDAC DG honours EFCC’s invitation, returns home

Dr. Paul OrhiiTHE Director-General of the National Agency for Food, Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Dr. Paul Orhi, yesterday visited the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to respond to allegations bordering on abuse of office.

Orhi was interrogated by a crack team of detectives. Just as an EFCC source was reported to have confirmed that the DG arrived the Commission’s headquarters around 10 am yesterday and made useful statement.
But Orhi refuted the reports

of his arrests through the Director of Special Duties, Abubakar Jimoh, who said that he was neither arrested nor detained by the anti-graft agency.

Jimoh said the DG merely honoured the invitation of the EFCC to answer some questions “and is back and now at home.”

In an electronic message last night, he said: “We have been alerted to an online trending news of the visit of the Director-General of NAFDAC, Mr. Paul Orhi, to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission today (Monday).
The visit was at the personal volition of the DG to explain the situation regarding allegation of corruption by a former director of Finance and Accounts of the Agency, Mr. Ademola Mogbojuri. Since, last week, some officers who were mentioned in the allegation had gone to the EFCC to shed light and clear the air on the mindless accusations.

“It was a normal and routine process for those who are familiar with the procedure of an investigative agency like the EFCC.

“There is no hue and cry about this, since it was normal for anyone who is accused to respond and clear his name accordingly. The DG was never arrested as being portrayed by these online portals. There is nothing unusual about this, but to applaud the DG for his courage in not wanting to engage the recalcitrant director who has decided to dance naked in the public and become a willing tool in the hands of the counterfeiters to infiltrate and derail an organised system.”

