NAAT demands 2009 FG pact, implementation of CONTISS

Members of National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT), University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) chapter, protesting against unfair treatment by the Federal Government, in Maiduguri…yesterday. PHOTO:NAN

UNIVERSITY of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) chapter of the National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT) has demanded from the Federal Government the implementation of 2009 agreement and payment of outstanding allowances.
The association asked the government to also release the enabling circular for career elongation for Consolidated Tertiary Institutions. Salary Structure (CONTISS) 14 and 15.
Unveiling the demands, yesterday, in Maiduguri, Borno State, the branch Chairman, Yusuf Dalhatu, disclosed: “Obsolete equipment should be upgraded to improve the dilapidated structural state of laboratories at UNIMAID.”
He said the Federal Government’s failure to meet the five-point demand led members to a three-day warning strike from March 20 to 22, 2024.
Dalhatu added: “Under the new dispensation, President Bola Tinubu granted a waiver on the non-payment of the withheld salaries of university teachers.” He lamented that despite the Executive Order of the President, the agreements and payments had yet to be implemented by the government.
The union’s boss noted that despite several written reminders, the government remained insensitive to the plights of academic technologists.

He said during the three-day warning strike, all laboratories at UNIMAID would be shut down, adding that no conduct of practical teachings, including projects and research work, would be allowed.


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