Muoka declares 2023 year of dominion, restoration, miracles

The General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, has declared 2023 as ‘a year of dominion, restoration, great explosion by grace and miracles, especially for the chosen ones.”

Muoka made the declaration at the ongoing yearly crusade of the church, tagged, Lagos Experience with the topic: “What God has determined shall be done” holding at the Chosen Revival Ground at Ijesha, Lagos.

Muoka said the new year would not be like the previous years, adding that God would honour the word of His messenger.

He said: “Anything I say, there is power in it, believe it and it shall come to pass. Whatsoever I mention in this programme shall come to pass.”

The four-day programme, brought mammoth crowd from all over the world to the event that will end tomorrow. He urged Christians to maintain righteousness and do the will of God, adding that the best way to have good relationship with God is by repenting from sin and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Assuring participants of God’s divine blessings in the new year, Muoka said they should believe every word of God concerning their lives and the life of their loved ones.
“You should consider God’s word fulfilled in your life because He has the power and whatever He says concerning you shall be done and God’s words are irrevocable. For any one to change God’s word must go to heaven to do so, if not it, it must surely come to pass ,” Muoka said. The cleric who described the Lord’s Chosen after it clockef 20 years, last December as a church established on top of other churches. According to him, God’s prophecy concerning the church is fulfilled. He implored  members to be prepared for the great work that God has promised to do in the Lord’s Chosen. 
Muoka said: “From now on God shall open the eyes of people to see what is happening here. People from all over the nation’s shall flow into the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, the time for that prophecy is fulfilled. From all the nations of the world, people will flow into the Lord’s Chosen and so the time is fulfilled to bring fulfilment of the three-fold and 10 billion souls mandate concerning the church.and it is going to be dominion, restoration, great explosion by grace and miracles that is what we are going to witness So Chosen people prepare for work because explosion has started and from this programme you will witness explosion.”


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