Muhammadu Buhari: So far, a disappointing journey

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Sir: Seven years ago, the All Progressives Congress (APC) came into power amid pomp, pageantry and great expectations.

Nigerians believed that at last, we have gotten a crop of leaders that would take us to the next level. Many jubilated in the firm belief that the ‘change’ which Buhari and his party, the APC promised Nigerians was certainly going to transform the country.

Expectations were huge after Buhari’s inauguration, which followed a hard-fought election victory over former President Goodluck Jonathan. Is it not worrisome that in seven years, President Muhammadu Buhari has spent less time to attend to urgent national issues but has been busy globetrotting; spending the little resources that Nigeria is left with abroad and returning home with little or no results from his missions abroad?

Is it not curious that in just 12 months into his tenure, Buhari visited 27 countries within and outside Africa – an average of 2.25 foreign trips per month? Is it not ridiculous that in seven years, contradictory social forces in Nigeria have become irredeemably sharpened more than ever before?

As a matter of fact, Buhari’s campaign promises were hinged on three cardinal points: fighting corruption, tackling insecurity and creating jobs. It is indeed shameful that after almost eight years in office, not one of these promises has been fulfilled.

What really baffles me are Buhari’s pontifications on fighting corruption. It is nauseating because corruption does not fight corruption. The fact that APC consists of former PDP members who actually served in the 16 years of “failure and corruption” APC has accused her political rival of shows that Buhari and his administration reeks of corruption, and you cannot fraternise with corruption and expect to win the battle against corruption.

I have come to the inevitable conclusion that those promoting Buhari’s candidacy had other reasons for backing him, essentially because Buhari lacks the requisite credentials to launch Nigeria on the path of genuine rebirth. Events in the past seven years have proven me right.

Nigeria has been indeed caught in the miry clay of leadership ineptitude. 80 months in the life of this government, we are yet to make a scratch in addressing insecurity challenges in Nigeria; we are yet to make a go at resolving the country’s epileptic power supply, dealing with acute fuel shortage, unemployment, poverty etc.

None of this began under Buhari’s leadership but things have gotten worse under his leadership. Little wonder in June 2020, the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations declared that Nigeria was on verge of state collapse. It has dawned on Nigerians that the promised ‘change’ actually meant ‘chains’.

Nigeria requires a national leadership with the understanding and capability to set the tone and direction for national growth and development. This must incorporate all citizens, irrespective of ethnic or geopolitical affiliation in a grand vision of collective dynamic growth. A lack of such political leadership denies the country the possibility of meaningful growth.

Ezinwanne Onwuka.


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