Military kills 16 terrorists, arrests 29, rescues 40 civilians

[FILES] Nigerian Army PHOTO: Twitter
Military onslaught against terrorists in the North East has led to the neutralisation of no fewer than 16 Boko Haram terrorists.

Also, about 30 of the terrorists are reportedly in military net, while 40 civilians were rescued in the last two weeks.

Briefing newsmen at Defence Headquarters (DHQ), yesterday, on activities of Defence Media Operations (DMO) in the last two weeks, the Spokesman of DMO, Brig-Gen. Bernard Onyeuko, said within the period, troops of Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK) conducted several land and air raids at different locations of the theatre.

The operations included robust clearance, ambush and road piquet operations as well as comprehensive air patrols to dominate the general area and neutralise terrorists as well as frustrate other criminal elements, The Guardian gathered.

“Cumulatively, the operations led to the neutralisation of 16 BHT/ISWAPs as well as arrest of 29 of them, while 40 civilians were rescued. BHT and their families – five female Adults and 12 children – were arrested at FOB Mayanti and Darajamel on July 15.

“Troops also recovered one General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), four AK-47 rifles, 50 rounds of 7.62mm special ammunition and one belt containing 296 rounds of 7.62mm NATO ammunition, accessories for making IED among other items,” he added.

Onyeuko noted that the Armed Forces of Nigeria had continued to maintain increased vigour and aggressive posture throughout its operations in the various theatres.

“This is coupled with the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)’s non-kinetic engagements across the country between July 16 and 29, 2021. Consequently, today’s brief will entail a summary of our kinetic and non-kinetic activities in the various theatres across the country that yielded results within the period under review.

“The operational engagements of Operation Hadarin Daji within the period in focus include clearance, search and rescue, as well as extensive air operations, to dominate the airspace and provide close air support for ground troops. These operations were conducted concurrently in different locations of the North West zone; only incidents with significant results are highlighted,” he noted.


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