Military airstrikes kill 11 terrorists, destroy ISWAP camps in Borno

Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Super Tucano fighter jets have destroyed the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) hide-outs, killing 11 terrorists in the Lake Chad Tumbus axis of Borno State.

The terrorists were neutralised on July 15, 2023, after credible intelligence indicating their presence in Kollaram and Arinna/Chiki camps.

A counter-insurgency expert and security analyst in the Lake Chad region, Mr. Zagazola Makama, disclosed, yesterday, in Maiduguri that the fighter jets bombarded the camps and killed about 11 terrorists, including a commander, in the region.

According to him, another group of terrorists was killed while fleeing in canoes in the Kirta-Wulgo axis of the state.

A military source in Maiduguri confirmed the terrorists were neutralised by airstrikes, while trying to cross the lake to rejoin their colleagues at Tumbun Rego.

The source noted that the terrorists were to regroup to launch attack on a military post in the region.


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