Michael Brown’s Family To File Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Ferguson

mike brownMichael Brown’s family announced Wednesday that they are on the verge of filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Ferguson, Missouri.

In a statement, attorneys representing Michael Brown’s father, Michael Brown, Sr., said they planned to detail the claims made in the lawsuit on Thursday. A representative for the attorneys told BuzzFeed News Wednesday evening that he could not yet provide additional information.

In March the family said they planned to file the lawsuit “to show a more accurate picture of what took place that day.”

The family also said they believe Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who killed Brown, did not need to use deadly force.

The comments came after the Justice Department determined there was not sufficient evidence to bring charges against Wilson, although investigators did find a widespread pattern of unconstitutional abuse committed by the police department. That included the use of unreasonable stops and force on minority members of the community.

The report detailing the abuse eventually led to resignations from Ferguson’s city manager and two police officers, as well as the firing of a court clerk


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